We aim to be “More Than a Meal” for the clients we serve. Our sponsors showcased here offer a variety of support mechanisms from financial support through monetary donations to in-kind donations of food or other goods while others send teams to volunteer to deliver meals or fund particular campaigns such as a volunteer fuel fund or t-shirts. This list is not comprehensive! This page is a new addition to our site as of December 2022, and we are working on adding additional sponsor names and logos to our list in the coming weeks. New supporters come on board regularly, so this page will be updated often.
Together, We Can Deliver!
If your church, civic organization, school, business, or family would like to get involved as a donor or volunteer, in our Adopt a Route or Adopt a Grandparent programs, provide an in-kind service or donation, or help with special outreach projects throughout the year, we are happy to hear from you!
We want to thank the following for the incredible support you offer as we work to fulfill our mission here in East Texas: